Or perhaps, just perhaps, the nation’s supposedly leading business newspaper would have better seen these failures coming if they had focused more on market, economic, and business conditions and less on obsessively rooting out the woke menace of women, people of color, LGBTQ people, and veterans(!) gaining token admission to the corridors of power and wealth.
@mattblaze [Wall Street Journal standing in the rubble of S&L crisis, Enron, and subprime mortgages]: How could the woke people do this to us
@mattblaze so disgusting. Bigots gonna bigot, and fascists gonna fash.
Translation: "I''m not saying 12 white men would have avoided this mess, but I am saying that it would have been better if it were 12 white, straight, cis men like everywhere else, amirite?"
@mattblaze Yes, banks never failed when only WASPs ran them.
No, The Children Are Wrong dot gif
@mattblaze It's been working for them. Nobody knows how to fix it.
@mattblaze they cite authoritative sources such as Animal House.
@mattblaze Unsigned or did a human put their name on this?
@mattblaze You know who diversity is a “distraction” to? Bigots. That’s it.
@mattblaze @Popehat My related take, in the spirit of “say their names”:
perhaps the nation’s supposedly leading business newspaper would have better seen these failures coming if actually focused more on business vs. racist and classist political and social witch hunts and scapegoating favored by it’s billionaire founder and oligarch, Rupert Murdoch, and his family of entitled elitists who control their vast right-wing extremist media empire.
@mattblaze Of course they ignored the Occam’s razor point that the white head of the bank lobbied for and received a reduction in oversight in 2018. Examining what role this might have played would have been a more interesting thing to do.
@mattblaze a little hard to believe WSJ has fallen this low... is there a link you can share? thnx
@mattblaze "I'm not saying 12 white men would avoided this, but I'm also not *not* saying that, wink wink, nudge nudge 😉"
@mattblaze There is a significant difference between the news side, which does good work, and the editorial side, which is made up of buffoons who don’t read their own paper.
@mattblaze WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch, isn't this expected? It doesn't surprise me in the least.
@mattblaze Before NewsCorp the #wsj was a real paper, now it's just a shell.
@mattblaze "I'm not saying 12 white men would have avoided this mess (yes I am), but the company may have been (definitely was) distracted by diversity demands (THE WOKE AGENDA)." -The Wall Street Journal, 2023
Can’t believe my eyes…
@mattblaze Some quick googling seems to show that white, heterosexual cis-men without a military background are about 26 % of the adult population of the United States. Must be an enormous drain on resources finding board members from the other 74 %.
A novel approach! 💜 🖖🏻 💚
@mattblaze @PressPlanet "1 Black", "1 LGBTQ"
#TheWallStreetJournal once again makes its hateful disdain known.
#Racist #Homophobes beyond redemption.
How are they blaming this on the one Black guy and the one gay guy, holy shit
@mattblaze I am agog it’s so unsettling. This has to be an opinion piece otherwise WM are waging war on the rest of us. Unbelievable. What did they say in 2008? 🤦♀️
Attention Wall Street Journal: banks don't collapse because a, gasp, brown person or a gay person or veterans are on their board. Like, seriously, what a vapid, idiotic, opportunistic ass covering op-ed. It reads like the kind of horse shit Jerry Falwell used to peddle to his rubes about minorities causing hurricanes.
@mattblaze this is one of the most pathetic statements I have ever read. But what’s new from WSJ? What a bag of hate.
More than that; if your bank managers aren't able to walk and chew gum at the same time, maybe it's time to consider a new bank. They clearly don't have the horsepower to meet the requirements of their positions.
@mattblaze i am absolutely glad there was no immigrants to be fucked over.
jokes aside, i wonder if they "analyzed" the board of other hundred of firms which sank worse than titanic. if my memory serves me right, lehman brothers werent LGBTQ or POC.
@mattblaze FMTT
"I'm not saying, I'm just saying" this is a HORSESHIT OPINION piece.
@mattblaze I forget the name, but there is a phenomenon where only women are willing to take on leadership roles for risky ventures because they are locked out of the safe ventures and all the men are avoiding the risky venture because they do have safer options. The risky venture then fails, precisely because it is risky and then the women get the blame.
@mattblaze “Too many veterans on the board” is one HELL of a take, even for the WSJ.
@mattblaze "We aren't saying that having 12 white dudes would have prevented the problem, but we are totally sure with claiming that a black person and a gay person on the board totally caused the problem."
"Clearly, we need to investigate whether this bank failure was somehow the lone Black guy's fault" is a level of contorted bigotry impressive even for the WSJ.
@mattblaze “distracted by diversity demands” #eyeroll
@mattblaze TFW you think you're Boon but you're really Neidermeyer.
@mattblaze They showed amazing restraint in not blaming it explicitly on "woke politics".
@mattblaze Jesus who writes this shit. Then who reads it and goes yeah well it was the Lehman Brothers cunt in charge but sure he hired too many chicks!? FFS I thought the world was better than this for some reason.
@mattblaze I believe they also blamed the fact that they had an LBGTQ+ board member. Whatever the Fk that means.
@mattblaze "The Wolf of Wall Street would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for the person with dwarfism!"
@mattblaze They also brought in “2 Veterans” as a smokescreen
@mattblaze It’s the kind of story the editors of The Onion would dwell on for a moment before dropping it as “too over the top “.
@mattblaze Gross
@statmonkey And 2 veterans!
@mattblaze The horror? I believe there was even a woman on the board. Can you imagine? Of course it failed! /s
@Popehat @mattblaze Remind me who owns the WSJ?
@Popehat @mattblaze my jaw fuckin dropped how bad that was today. O really maybe more white supremacy would fix this. Ugh!!? Amazing
@Popehat @mattblaze This is just like the garbage I saw recently that wanted to blame post-George Floyd recruitment woes reducing police standards on the Tyre Nichols death as if we haven't been seeing a series of Rodney Kings or worse for decades upon decades.
@Popehat @mattblaze Enron wanted to make markets in co2 cap&trade, clearly woke.
Subprime mortgage crisis, must have been caused by the CRA, clearly woke.
Honestly haven't heard the excuse for the S&L crisis, but there must be one. It's always someone else's fault. Markets can't fail, they can only be failed by the insufficiently ideal participants.