As the reactionary assault on multiracial, pluralistic democracy is escalating, so are the attempts to normalize and legitimize it. This is how democracy dies: With an armada of “respectable” voices working to make extremists and their talking points palatable to the mainstream.
For the newsletter, I wrote extensively about the pervasive idea that America is experiencing an acute “free speech crisis” and dove into the available evidence. Something is indeed happening in America - but the “cancel culture” narrative is deeply (and often deliberately) misleading.
At its core, the “cancel culture-free speech crisis” discourse is the latest iteration of an elite struggle to stave off and discredit certain long-term political, social, and cultural changes that elites - including certain self-proclaimed “moderates” - perceive as threatening.
This is why the bizarre fixation of the centrist “free speech crisis” brigades on leftwing “cancel culture,” even in the midst of radicalizing rightwing censorship, is so revealing: Their overriding concern is preserving their prerogative to define public speech norms.
@tzimmer_history there is a recent case in Canada where a retired principal committed suicide. Turns out he was in shambles a full two years after being corrected by a Black woman who facilitated an antiracism seminar at his workplace. After this, he quickly started a Canadian chapter of a reactionary group called Foundation Against Racism and Intolerance (FAIR) which is an anti woke org. Now the right wing grift in Canada is blaming his suicide on the facilitator and there may be lawsuits.